Create Your Fund
Establishing a fund with The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee is a simple, personalized process.
We make it easy for your charitable dreams to become a reality, so you can support the causes closest to your heart – comfortably, conveniently, and cost-effectively.
Follow these easy steps, and in a matter of minutes, your fund is created:
1. Think about the charitable causes important to you. Funds at The Community Foundation support the broadest range of charitable needs, so whatever your idea, bring it to the table.
2. Review our Types of Funds. It only takes an initial gift of $5,000 to establish a fund ($10,000 for a scholarship fund).
3. Decide how and when you want to give. You can start a fund with cash, securities, real estate, and more, or a deferred gift using a vehicle such as a trust, insurance policy or IRA. Feel free to consult your professional advisor or accountant for information about tax advantages.
4. Call us at 615-321-4939 to start a conversation. Our donor services team is here to help.
5. After discussing your goals and options, we’ll draft the fund document (a simple agreement outlining the charitable goals of your fund and our policies). Once the document is signed and we’ve received your charitable gift, your fund will be established!
Questions? Please contact us at 615-321-4939 or email Belinda Dinwiddie, Director of Donor Education, at

Learn more how the power of words helped Charles Story honor his father's legacy.