The Tomorrow Fund
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Network. Volunteer. Play. Give. Get involved by volunteering with us in the Middle Tennessee community, or join us for a happy hour! We'll keep you in the know about upcoming opportunities through our Facebook page. We can't wait to meet you!
Our Mission
The Tomorrow Fund is dedicated to harnessing the energy, enthusiasm, and resources of young Nashville residents above the age of 22 in an effort to serve the community. The Fund seeks to build community awareness, leadership and responsibility by establishing a pattern of community service and charitable giving.
Learn More About The Tomorrow Fund
The Tomorrow Fund's logo, the oak tree seedling, represents its philosophy and mission perfectly. The metaphor often used to describe endowment funds within a Community Foundation is planting acorns. By setting aside money in an endowment fund and allowing it to grow, Tomorrow Fund members are ensuring that what now provides small yet meaningful grants in its seedling stage transforms over time into strong and vibrant support for the nonprofit community.
The Tomorrow Fund was formed in 1998 by several young professionals in the greater Nashville community to foster civic leadership and community awareness among their peers. Through both hands-on charitable service and committee-based grantmaking, this organization provides a training ground for the future leaders of Middle Tennessee's philanthropic and outreach efforts.
Annual fundraisers and contributions by members and donors augment the Fund within The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. Contributions remain in the Fund while a small portion (4-6%) of the Fund is distributed annually for grants to nonprofits throughout Middle Tennessee serving children. By leaving the vast majority of the Fund untouched, the endowment is able to grow and grow, eventually providing a significant stream of grantmaking revenue.
For information about joining the Tomorrow Fund call The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee at 615-321-4939 or email us.
Charitable Grants to Nonprofits
The Tomorrow Fund Grants Committee accepts and reviews grant applications every year through The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. The grant amount of money for distribution is based on an average quarterly balance of the Fund for the prior year times the current spending rate. Grant applications to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee are due August 1st of each year. Learn About Applying for Grants
Book'em - To provide pre-literacy skills training for 100 low-income Pre-K children to prepare them for kindergarten and beyond.
The Well Outreach - To provide supplemental meals for 500 children/youth during the scheduled academic breaks to provide coverage throughout the 2016-2017 school year.
Global Education Center - To offer nutrition education, healthy cooking classes with recipe modifications and active lifestyle opportunities to 80 preK students and families.
Mother to Mother - To provide a safe sleeping environment for low income, vulnerable infants in Nashville and surrounding areas.
Nashville International Center for Empowerment - To provide standard school attire for 50 low-income refugee children who recently arrived in the United States.
Salama Urban Ministries - To provide daily, year-round academic support with a literacy emphasis for up to 75 underserved youth, primarily K-8th grade.
Nashville Dolphins - To expand programming that builds swim skills, promotes social skills, and supports physical health for individuals with disabilities.
Girls on the Run - To provide girls with the opportunity to participate in a life changing character development program.
Assistance League of Nashville - To provide new standard school attire to MNPS elementary students during the 2014-2015 school year.
Community Care Fellowship - To offer educational services for children living in poverty through an after school program and a summer enrichment program.
Backfield in Motion - To provide tutoring after school for 150 urban boys at-risk of academic failure, and adult basic education.
Hands on Nashville - To support 300 youth in making healthy lifestyle choices as a result of a free, curriculum-based, summer camp.
McNeilly Center for Children - To provide classroom books and manipulatives to create and enhance quality early education classroom environments.
East Nashville Hope Exchange - To improve reading ability and character development of at-risk children.
Project for Neighborhood Aftercare - To provide homework and tutoring services for students.
A.B.L.E. Youth, Inc.- To teach independent living skills to 35 youth who are confined to wheelchairs.
Foundation for Tennessee Chess - To provide chess classes for 35 underserved youth, ages five to 12, at a local community center.
IKE Services - To provide summer academic tutoring, hot meals, and transportation services to 30 children, grades kindergarten through 4.
In Full Motion, Inc. - To improve ACT scores and graduation rates of students attending Pearl-Cohn, Whites Creek, Stratford and Maplewood High Schools.
Our Kids - To underwrite the cost of post exposure prophylaxis medication to prevent patients from contracting HIV.
Nashville Assistance League - To provide new school attire to economically disadvantage elementary school students in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools.
Friends of Tennessee School for the Blind - To purchase specialized exercise equipment for youth with disabilities.
Global Ministries - Earthquake relief for children in Haiti.
Nashville Peacemakers - Funding to expand Peacemakers program for students with a history of suspension and/or juvenile court involvement.
The Next Door - Funding for children in The Next Door’s Freedom in Recovery program.
Rejoice Ministries - Funding for mentoring and personal development program for economically disadvantaged adolescent girls.
First Steps - The purchase of an indoor therapy playground for children with special needs.
KIPP Academy - Books for the KIPP Academy library.
King's Daughters Day Home - Purchased books, CD’s and videos for the development of the school curriculum.
Save the Children - Asain Tsunami relief.
Reading is Fundamental - To supplement the purchase of 8500 new paperback books for 1600 at risk children.
Hands with a Heart Foundation - Materials for hearing impaired classrooms, home use and camping trips.
Preston Taylor Ministries
American Red Cross
Fannie Battle Day Home for Children
Project Reflect
Community Service Projects
The Tomorrow Fund coordinates and promotes local community involvement among Nashville's young professionals. As part of the Fund's mission, members organize several service activities each year to benefit children and adolescents in the greater Nashville area.
With the Giving Tree Program, the Tomorrow Fund organizes an annual holiday gift drive to
provide area children with toys and essentials like warm winter coats.
The Fund sponsors several additional service opportunities each year, targeting the city's underserved youth.
Local community agencies we work with include:
Center for Independent Living of Middle Tennessee
Fannie Battle Day Home for Children
Kirkwood Elementary School
Metropolitan Nashville Parks and Recreation
Rejoice Ministries
Salvation Army Nashville Area Command
The Tomorrow Fund's service projects provide a great opportunity for Nashville's young professionals to get involved in their community and make a positive impact in the lives of some wonderful young people.
Our 2017 Advisory Board
The Tomorrow Fund Advisory Board is committed to providing a training ground for the future leaders of Middle Tennessee's philanthropic and outreach efforts.
David Garrett, President
Steven Duckworth, Vice President
Julie White, Secretary
Amy Culpepper
Ann Harlan
Nathan Harris
Michael King
Hannah Krimm
Noah Krimm
Florence Sudduth
Teade Tagaloa
Jamie Voelker
Dani Ward
Ella Watkins
Julie White
Kristen Korzenowski, CFMT Sponsor