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The 19th annual Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award Luncheon
Honoring John Seigenthaler
Thursday, November 08, 2012
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Renaissance Hotel
611 Commerce Street
Nashville, TN 37203
Online tickets are no longer available. For inquiries about the November 8 Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award Luncheon, call 615-321-4939.
John Seigenthaler has dedicated his life to defending human rights. Because of his continuing and tireless service to others, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee will honor Seigenthaler as recipient of the 19th annual Joe Kraft Humanitarian Award.
Join us on November 8 when The Community Foundation will recognize his unparalleled contributions to improving lives - through tireless acts to defend human rights, selfless service to country and community, and courageous vision and dedication to a just, truthful, free world.
Each year this award honors a person who, like the late Joe Kraft, demonstrates a commitment to community and individuals in need. With gratitude for his dedication to bettering life for others, The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee is pleased to recognize John Seigenthaler with this Award.
Seating is limited. For more information, please call The Community Foundation at 615-321-4939.

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