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13th Annual Edna Thomas Lecture Series
Presented by the Edna S. Thomas Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
Monday, October 15, 2012
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
University School of Nashville
2000 Edgehill Avenue, Nashville
The 13th annual Edna Thomas Lecture Series will feature noted parenting author and legal analyst Lisa Bloom, presenting: "What Parents Can Do To Raise Smart, Successful Boys and Girls in Today’s Culture."
Lisa Bloom sounds a wakeup call for parents about the culture that surrounds our kids and provides researchproven, parent-tested, teacher-approved practical advice.
Bloom, who authored New York Times bestseller “Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World” and “Swagger: 10 Urgent Rules for Raising Boys in an Era of Failing Schools, Mass Joblessness and Thug Culture,” believes girls and boys are under attack from today’s culture. The October 15 seminar will focus on the pitfalls to avoid and provide tips on how to positively engage our communities' children.
Sponsors include: Belmont Weekday School, The Ensworth School, Harding Academy, St. George’s Episcopal Kindergarten,University School of Nashville, Westminister Preschool and Woodmont Baptist Weekday Preschool.
Click the following link to download or print a flyer about the 2012 Edna S. Thomas Lecture Series to share with friends, family or colleagues. Read more about this event in the Edna S. Thomas Lecture Series 2012 news release.
The session is free and open to the public. The lecture will take place in the auditorium of University School of Nashville. Parking for this event is in the 19th Avenue lot behind the school. For more information, call The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee at 615-321-4939.

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