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Power of the Purse Luncheon 2012
Benefiting The Women's Fund of The Community Foundation
Monday, April 09, 2012
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Loews Vanderbilt Hotel
2100 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203
Featuring Award-Winning Actress, Humanitarian and Author Ashley Judd
Donate to The Women's Fund
For more pictures, see a full event photo album on The Women's Fund's Facebook page (and like us while you're there)!
Actress and humanitarian Ashley Judd spoke with more than 700 attendees on April 9, at the 14th annual Power of the Purse ® Luncheon. The Power of the Purse ® luncheon and silent auction support The Women’s Fund’s work to help Middle Tennessee women and girls in need.
Judd has traveled the world through her advocacy and humanitarian efforts, including work with Population Services International, among other organizations dedicated to poverty alleviation, public health, human rights, and social justice. During her keynote address, Judd spoke passionately about issues affecting women and girls around the globe, focusing on the marginalization of women, from sexual violence and physical objectification to depriving women of opportunities for education and economic stability.
She emphasized the need to invest in economic stability and empowerment, safety and prevention of violence and overall health – which is the three-fold mission of The Women’s Fund. For more details about Judd's remarks, and excerpts from her keynote address, visit www.TheWomensFund.com.
The event’s accompanying A Celebration of Women tribute book, which honors special women in our lives, will be distributed with the May issue of Nfocus, with a reach of more than 17,000.

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