Our Financials
Although funds of $250,000 or more can be managed on a segregated basis to accommodate our donors’ range of preferences, our commingled investments continue to be governed prudently using roughly a 35–40% cash or fixed, 60–65% equity asset allocation. This consistent and conservative approach is fundamental to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee’s appreciation for its unique role as a steward of our “community’s charitable savings account.”
We understand fully that our commitment is both to the current generation and to those that will follow.
Support And Revenue
- $49,302,849.00 Contributions and Income
- $4,687,501.00 Net Realized/Unrealized Gain on Investment
- $53,990,350.00 TOTAL
- $47,836.00 In-Kind Services
- $3,580,173.00 Program Related Expenses
- $1,020,933.00 Investment Management and Custodial Fees
- $3,339,804.00 Management and General
- $42,115.00 Depreciation
- $7,940,900.00 TOTAL
Grants, Assets & Planned Giving
- $50,052,079.00 Grants
- $373,167,761.00 Assets
- $60,000,000.00 Planned Gifts*
The financial statements of The Foundation for the year ended 12/31/2015 have been audited by KraftCPAs PLLC. Copies of their unqualified opinion and the complete financial report area available at no charge by calling (615) 321-4939 or toll free (888) 540-5200. The condensed financial information presented here was prepared by The Foundation and does not reflect The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement Number 136, transfers of assets to a not-for-profit organization or charitable trust that raises or holds contributions for the benefit of others (FAS 136).
Figures do not include expenses incurred as a result of special services specifically requested by donors. Mutual Fund expenses are not included in the Investment Management Custodial Fee.
To view our financial documents, including Form 990s and audit documents, visit The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee's GivingMatters.com profile.
* The above planned gifts represent future gifts of which The Foundation has been informed. They are not current assets of The Community Foundation.